Sunday, June 7


"Good, you can meet out leader in a little while," The elf said. "Okay, I'll be going now," I said, and Monosai followed me out of the building. Monosai went off to the tavern, so I followed to try to get some money. Soon we went to meet the head hancho of the guild thing. We entered the building, me, the 'criminal', completely sober, the town's best and most trusted guard, totally drunk, I didn't get it. We found ourselves in a large room filled with books, I suppose you could call it a library, but I'd rather not use correct terms, after all, I'm supposed to dumb, just 'cuz I'm a wolf. A spellscale entered the room, he was kinda creepy. "Hello, I am the leader..." He continued, but I kinda spaced out, I know I mentioned some funny things, and if I remember, I'll post them here. "So, since you're members of the Adventurers Guild, I should give you your coins." The spellscale, Kurik, said, and then handed us each a coin, with different patterns on each of them. I tried using mine like a frizbee, it went, then appeared in my hand again. OK, this is creepy, I thought. "And we would like it if you would go on a little adventure for us..."

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I have another blog, all about me!!! find it at please, check it out
