Saturday, August 22

Why Him?

I sat in the chair across from Kurik, bloodying the carpet. He talked with Monosai, ignoring me completely. "Umm...?" I drew his attention back. "It is an awful pity to dirty the carpet," he said. He healed me, but I still felt horrible. Probably the alcohol, it is the first time. The only time, I thought. "Why, Syra, will you go get the book about dragons on that shelf over there?" I got up, and walked to the shelf he had indicated. I got a book, acting drunk. "Syra, I need to see the book," Kurik said. Does he know? I asked myself. I retrieved the correct book, walking back to the table. "What's that?" Kurik pointed at my neck. I looked down, and saw the chain I hardly noticed anymore. I pulled it out of my tunic. He gasped as I revealed an amulet with a large sapphire. "What?" He didn't answer. "May I take a closer look?" I nodded and handed it to him. He was careful not to touch the amulet, only the chain, and handed it back after careful scrutiny. He seemed to fear it. We were enveloped in conversation again. Once it got late, he looked pointedly at me, then his room. I cursed the fact that I was supposedly drunk. I faked passing out. That should be good enough, I thought. Monosai, however, really was drunk, and went easily.

Wednesday, August 12

Dying Here...

As Monosai carried me into the town we saw a figure walking though the streets. Guess who it was... Yup, (cue sarcasm) my favorite person in the word, Kurik. You would think I'd be happy to see any healer, considering I was bleeding to death. You would think I'd love to see any healer, no matter how much I disliked him. You would think wrong. Kurik was the last person I wanted to see, placed after death. I couldn't imagine him actually doing something effective, not without some sort of repayment. I had gotten like this because of him! I had no doubt that it would have been less painful to hang than this, and no healer could change the fact that I had just helped to kill my childhood family. I didn't even know why I had helped Monosai instead of them. She had tried to kill me, and so I saved her life? If that wasn't a sign I'd gone nuts, I don't know what was. Anyway, Kurik told us to meet him at the guild house, so Monosai decided to go and get drunk again while I was dying. I got buzzed, I was, let me remind you, bleeding my life out. Surprisingly, we made it back to the guild house, (or mad house, if you prefer) with a dying wolf, and a drunk sea bird.

Sunday, August 9

Brush with Death

I crumpled, I was loosing energy, and blood, at an alarming rate. I had cuts, bruises, mostly from contact with the ground immidiately after contact with a piece of dragon, and acid burns. Monosai noticed, and rushed to my side, picking me up, which was odd, considering I weighed more than she did. She hoisted my body off the ground, and took off into the air. The dragon followed us into the trees, and if it weren't for the thick trunks, it would have caught us immidiately. Monosai dodged the trunks quickly, and the dragon couldn't hope to have the same luck. Then Monosai crashed, falling on top of me, her armor making her much heavier than she really was. The dragon crashed into the same tree, and there was a loud cracking noise, like thunder. The tree fell towards us, and Monosai jumped back into the air. We headed towards Teak, and soon the gate came into veiw. Monosai atempted to fly over the wall, but with my added weight, she couldn't gain the altitude. If I hadn't known another way in, I would have told her to leave me, or that's what I liked to think, but I did, and I said so. "My den," I murmered. "Where is it?" Monosai inquired. "The north-east corner." Monosai took me there, and we entered my den through a hole in the wall.

What Happened to Enemies?

I ran back to the clearing, knowing I couldn't leave even my greatest enemy - which was technically what Monosai was - to die at the hands of anything that was capable of uttering the noise I had just heard. I knew that if I were to be of assistance before the creature - it had to be some sort of animal - struck, I would have to throw something at it. I dashed though the trees, then I saw it, a giant, black, winged beast. It was a dragon, a black dragon. I knew black dragons didn't breathe fire, they spit acid. Once in range, I pulled my dagger from under folds of cloth, took aim, and tossed the blade with all my might. It struck home, burying itself into flesh at the base of the dragon's skull. It roared in fury, turning it's masive head towards me. I noticed at once how big it was, it could have swallowed me whole, or very nearly at least. Monosai slashed at it while it was focused on me, and I ran to her side. It covered us both in acid, wanting us dead. We contiued to fight, despite the many injuries we received, and I won't bore (or disgust) you with the details.

The First Battle

The wolves turned as I rushed into the clearing, thier eyes and faces strangely blank. The female - I simply could not believe she was Mydan - stood still, and it was clear she was a spell caster. I attacked one of the males, doing little damage. Then the female cast some sort of spell on me, and I was overcome with laughter. The second male, I couldn't tell them apart, attacked Monosai, gripping her arm with his teeth. Monosai, who had managed to get some damage in on the second male before my predicament, was now, even with the wolf touching her, missing her target, and I, rendered useless by the laughter spell, could do nothing to assist her. The wolves were focussing thier efforts on Monosai, the only one capable of striking. I thought this was foolish, but I wasn't about to say so. Finally, the effect of the spell wore off, and I managed to get in a few blows, and Monosai finnished the second wolf off. I slew the first, and together we ended the sorceres. I cleaned my blade on the grass, and then I heard it. A rustling in the bushes. It graduly crept closer through the trees, and I started in the opposite direction. Then I heard a gigantic roar coming from the clearing, and one thought hit me full force: Monosai hadn't moved.