Saturday, January 17


I was now waiting to learn how I would die, but when someone finally entered the room it was obviously not who Monosai was expecting. She looked at the elf in surprise, and I growled. A panther who clearly didn't like me had entered after the elf, and it growled back. "Now, Syra be nice," said the elf. I jumped. "H-how do you know my name?" I stuttered, the elf didn't answer. "We've been watching, and we were hoping you would join our guild," she said instead. "What?!?! Her? Join your guild?!?!" Monosai interrupted. "And you, Monosai. After all, you are the most appreciated guard in the town, but to catch Syra here. We weren't expecting that, even from you," the elf replied. "She wouldn't have if it weren't for the blasted crowd," I muttered. "Why would I join your guild anyway?" I asked rudely. "Because it's either that or you're executed," the elf replied. I glared, and said, " Fine."

The chase

If there hadn't been anyone there in my way I know I would have left Monosai the Raptorian in the dust, quickly. Anyway there were people in my way and they wouldn't move, but they ran to let Monosai through, so she caught me. I turned to fight knowing I couldn't run away. We fought, she won, there are more important things to put here that the stuff I don't really care about or remember such as where she hit me. All you need to know about that battle is that as I felt my strength deteriorating I surrendered. Then Monosai the O so proud took me to where I would surely meet my doom.


Yes there were no Trybes in the forest who didn't hate me, so I went to Teak where they would put me in a pit to slowly rot for just being there. Makes sense huh? They were more likely to cut off my head than kill me slowly and give me a chance to escape. Anyway on, like, my second week there I was in the tavern playing cards with a drunk dwarf when one of the 'best'(worst for me) guards in the town came over and looked in the window. I'll never know if she saw me because the dwarf I was playing with insisted I was cheating. Now I don't know about you but I don't need to cheat when I'm playing with a drunk to win. So he says, "Fess up I know you cheated and if you don't hand over the money I'll hand you over to Monosai right there." Well it doesn't mater if he would have turned me in anyway, which he probably would, because I wasn't about to hand over money I didn't have when I didn't lose or cheat. "I did not cheat!" I whispered, exasperated. Suddenly he was holding the scruff of my neck and dragging me through the door. "Look a wolf! A wolf inside Teak!" He shouted much too loudly. Monosai, of course, started towards us. I couldn't be caught, so I quickly unsheathed my blade and pressed it to the dwarfs neck. I didn't have any time to kill him so after he let go of me I ran.

Is this love?

Yes his name was Arow and he wanted me, he wanted me enough to use artificial love, a love potion. I realized he had done it, but only after it was to late. I loved him. Fern and I were best friends now. I didn't want to hurt her So what was I supposed to do? I still don't know. I did something, but I still don't know if it was the best thing to do. I just kept my distance, expecting it to where off in an hour, but it didn't. I was love struck for five whole days. Then it seamed to weaken. It weakened steadily for only five minutes, then, to my great distaste, it was two times stronger that it had originally been. It stayed that way for almost an hour, and in that hour I managed to hurt more people than in the rest of my life combined, Fern, Arow, and anyone who cared about either them. I left the Trybe of the Fleeting Sparo that day.

Friday, January 16

Trybe of the Fleeting Sparo

After lying in bed with only illusions of things that probably didn't exist for company I was only to great full when the Trybe of the Fleeting Sparo decided to let me join them. The first day I came to their camp I was terrified. I walked in with my head and tail low showing all signs of low rank and submission. The only wolf there other than the alphas and myself was a young male about my age. He was clearly of semi-high rank because his head and tail were slightly raised, and he was gazing at me with more than curiosity in his near hopeful eyes, which were tawny almost golden. Soon after I arrived a gray and white female who clearly loved him came into the camp she took one look at him and then trotted over to me. "Hello," She said kindly, "My name is Fern. You must be the wolf the Hermit looked after. What is your name?" "Yes, I am. My name is Syra. It is nice to meet you Fern, maybe we can be friends," She seemed to realize that I didn't want her crush because she visibly relaxed. Unfortunately he wanted me more than I realized.

Sunday, January 11

Half-dead! Are you sure that means half-alive?

I had been wounded badly while trying to convince anyone from the Trybe of Sylver Dawn that I wasn't a spy for my former Trybe. I found an old hermit, or rather he found me. He took me to his hut. As I entered I noticed the general layout of the place. There were herbs hanging from the ceiling and a fire pit in the center with purple smoke rising to a small hole in the roof right above. It was then I passed out from loss of blood. I don't remember much about my time being nursed back to health, but then who would. I do remember seeing things. I thought they were illusions, I was probably right. One of my visions really caught my eye. I saw a cat, and I don't know why. All my visions made some sense. All except the cat.

Trybe of the Wyte Knyte

I wandered arround occasionally coming into a Tribe Terratore. When I did I was chased off. My life at this point was so predictable. Then I stumbled upon a Wyte Knyte patrol. I was sure I was done for. Luckily for me their female Alpha was with them. She seemed to like me so she took me in. I of course had no idea that this might be a bad thing I was just glad I was alive. The Alpha, Mydan, had two male pups, well they might not be considered 'pups' at this point they were a moon older than me. I thought it was pretty ovious, Mydan wanted one of them to fall for me, but I never thought of either of them as more than a brother and they either thought the same or they knew I would nip them if they mentioned it. I lived with them awile and got my Tribe name Myka. Then the Alpha changed to a hateful female and her mate. They or rather she exiled me giving me my outcast name Syra. She had the Tribe chase me out, and I noticed Mydan and her family at the back wishing this didn't have to happen. I didn't know where I would go next, but I went. I tryed to go to the Trybe of Sylver Dawn that was a mistake.

The Begining

I, Syra, the coolest, prettiest, and over-all best wolf ever was born whenever I was born, wolves don't really keep track of time, just outside the Terratore, where most wolves live, along with five sisters and one brother. My brother was the largest, but I was right behind him. My sisters were all very small, and my favorite was the runt. Just after my brother, Aron, and I had learned to hunt, our sisters were to small to start training yet, our mother and father were taken by a dragon. I wanted to go look for them, but Aron knew we had to stay and care for our sisters. He soon convinced me to stay. Winter was almost upon us and he refused to let me come with him on hunting trips. He was using to much energy hunting and not eating enough. He died not long after our parents were taken.
I was determined not to make his mistakes if I did there would be no hope of any of our family surviving. After a few weeks only two of my sisters had suvived. I continued to take care of them, but I could see they were getting weaker. One day they got in a fight each thiking the other had gotten more food. One was killed the remaining pup died of a combination of grief and her wounds. I was now four moons (months) old and completely alone.